so i went out to the movies by myself on tuesday night (sorry kel) and saw a big summer blockbuster.
it was a good thing i was in the mood for it because my choice of movies at the barrie galaxy on a tuesday night consisted of:
a sequel, a sequel, a sequel OR (wait for it...) a sequel!
yup, four movies at a twelve screen cinema.
ahhhh, barrie. "sooooo wonder white", as nick put it.
but it was a tuesday night, the parking lot was packed and i felt like part of the happy herd.
and i will not lie, i wanted eye-candy and lots of it. so hurrah for johnny depp and orlando bloom! plus, there was a preview for the golden compass, which made me giddy.
i LOVE going to the movies by myself. i feel free to absolutely love or hate whatever crap gets thrown up on the screen. if you haven't done this before, i highly recommend it.
you have my permission to be anti-social. go forth! get yer popcorn! you won't have any trouble finding a seat.
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